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Car Flipping System (EN)

Car Flipping System (EN)

Car Flipping System (EN)

Course Intro Video


  1. Manage logistic

    The culmination of your success in the automotive industry lies in logistics - this applies to almost every area of ​​business these days. This is the reason why in this module we will detail all the transport methods that will facilitate the acquisition of your inventory and put a lot of money in your pockets.
  2. How to face the competition

    Your competition is one of your greatest assets. In this module we will discuss all the techniques you will need to be competitive in terms of pricing, quality of service, diversification, etc.
  3. The secrets of financing

    Funding is the most lucrative side of your business, find out why furniture stores and all other services always try to finance you even the smallest sums. Well in this module we will show you all the methods that you can apply to get the maximum amount of money into your pockets, the securities to put in place to make sure that your investment does not go to waste
  4. How to fund your inventory

    The promise made in this course is to get you started in this very lucrative business with as few resources as possible. This module was therefore designed to not only introduce you to companies that you could use as leverage to start your activity and even more to support you in the use of this financing. I want to point out that if you do not master the use of this funding you could find yourself in serious problems in the worst case, losing your License.
  5. First sale step by step

    Wow !!! the end of the tunnel is on the horizon. We will work together on all possible sales scenarios, what to say or not to say in order to convince your customer, flattering arguments, the “answer to everything” techniques, how to handle sales literature, mistakes to avoid that could be fatal to you.
  6. Introduction

    More than 40 million vehicles were sold in the United States in 2019 and around 280 million are driven on our highways every day. In addition, there is an increase of 1.6% every year; in terms of accidents, an average of 17,250 cases are recorded per day, without counting the ever increasing birth and immigrant rate. The demand is enormous. Therefore, there will always be a high enough demand for each of us to find a place in this industry. Carflipping machine gives you the tools and the tracking you need to be successful in this business. our courses are detailed in comma ready a VIP group to follow you live each week. In this module we will talk about the types of car flipping that exist, you will then have the advantages and disadvantages of each type, how to obtain a license according to its status, the prerequisites will be fully detailed. At the end of this module you will be able to clearly identify all the above mentioned types of flips, you will be fully equipped on the acquisition of a dealer license.
  7. Vehicle Sourcing

    Well done!!! you know exactly what it is to freak cars for profit. In this module we will explain step by step to the ready comma how to register in auctions, we will detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of these companies, we will accompany you in this process, we will also see in detail how to evaluate a vehicle, the values ​​not to be crossed. In addition, you will be taught all the codes specific to auction jargon, reading screens and understanding the related content. On leaving this module you could confidently register for any AUTO AUCTION, know exactly what all the terms displayed. Much more, you will be able to explain all the concepts attached to the condition of a vehicle registration document.
  8. How to recondition your vehicles?

    Ok, you know how to buy cars now what do you do when you get your inventory? The answer will be detailed in this module, we will talk about the test drive, detailed washing, identification of breakdowns, tips for getting vehicles to inspection stations, tools to have to be able to carry out these operations, how to get spare parts at competitive price ETC.
  9. Setup your Dealership ( dealers only)

    The configuration of your dealership is one of the most important steps for the rapid success in this field of activity, This is the reason why here we will address the points such as the software to use, the necessary resource according to the size of your business, forecasts for future changes
  10. How to create your listing?

    You have created your account at the auction, you know how to buy a car, you have test drive, wash, in short you have mastered the subject. This module will help you create your listing and we will show you all the techniques and platforms on which you will promote your inventory. At the end of this module you will be able to take attractive images, write an attractive listing and, above all, master the platforms that will put your ads in front of the potential buyer.
  11. In this folder you will have access to files with all the details on how to get your dealer license in your state. Also, we have put together a bunch of documents and forms that you would need to master the majority of laws governing USED CAR BUSINESS.

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